A warm October weekend

After some good news during the week things continued to progress into the first w.e. of October.  The unusually warm weather has the insects buzzing around and furry creatures a little out of whack.  For the "naked apes" this weather makes most of us on the east coast want to get outside and enjoy the sun and warm if not hot weather.

My weekend started with a visit to the local theater to see Blade Runner 2049.  Let's just say I was pleased!  I thought the plot was good, the casting spot on, the cinematography and costumes blew me away.  Big up to the Fashion Designer Renee April!


Next it was off to my local watering hole to meet with Filmmaker Jeff Stewart.  "J.Otis" is capturing NJ Gubernatorial Neighborhood Discussions I am Hosting through Voting Block.  Our conversations are deep, full of laughter and the same resounding theme...

I finished the evening off catching up with a friend to celebrate her turning 28 again and since I missed National Vodka Day the timing was perfect.  We enjoyed some Stateside #UrbancraftVodka based out of Philadelphia.


Saturday morning began with a visit to the Serenity Garden to deliver some reading materials.  Ivey Avery and others coordinated a book giveaway, through #LBOT Library Boxes of Trenton I dropped off a few dozen Highlights Magazines, Hopscotch for Girls, Boys' Quest and several hard and softcover books.


Then it was off to Hightstown NJ for the Annual Harvest Fair.  I really enjoy this small town located close to several major roadways and home to The Peddie School.  I spent the day with REJS Entertainment a Jazz Promotions Group that presents monthly Jazz Shows in the region.  We chatted with the visitors and shared info about forthcoming events and our history.  In addition I chatted with Musician Alan Peters who shared about the Apollo Masons "Rubber Duck Race" and David Mayer of the Greater Mercer TMA as we chatted about biking and walking in the region.



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